Scope and topics

The aim of the Colloquium is to assembly the community of Polish and French researchers working in the field of soil and rock mechanics. It is also open to all other interested specialists.

We propose the following leading idea of the 17 edition of the French-Polish Colloquium:

“Experimental knowledge versus theoretical

models in soil and rock mechanics

Phenomenological observations in soil and rock mechanics involve more and more sophisticated experimental methods.

Mathematical multiscale and multi-physics models of heterogeneous multiphase porous and granular structures use advanced techniques of meshless modelling, non-local approach and other, refined theoretical tools. The mechanical properties of the soil are usually deduced from a set of measured data, quite never directly applicable in the engineering design.The inverse problem in geotechnics and numerical modelling of the fundamental geotechnical tests are thus very important. The large data bases of in situ observations, data mining, correlation of data sets and similar theoretical tools form an interesting conceptual bridgebetween the experimental evidence and deep, theoretical understanding.

The proposed leading idea is simply aimed as an invitation to revise our habitual research activity from the common points of view: in what extent the methods of analysis we are using are inspired, influenced or modified by the experimental reality; In the light of experimental evidence - are our theories explanative, predictive or simply descriptive?

We hope that the discussion organised around these questions will be interesting and fruitful.

The proposed topic will be considered as leading but not exclusive. The recent advances in soil and rock mechanics, especially related to interesting case studies, new geo-composite materials, new foundations technologies as well as those dealing with natural risks and geo-environmental issues are also welcome.

Organized by:
Lodz University of Technology Lodz University of Technology Lodz University of Technology